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Discovering Hidden Gems: How Travel Tech Can help manage tourism flows

    By Emmanuel Mounier, Secretary General Global Travel Tech

    As the first rays of dawn light up the shores of Piran, Slovenia, a group of travelers sips their morning coffee, soaking in the serenity. A far cry from the bustling crowds of Venice, just a few hours away, this picturesque town offers a refreshing alternative for those seeking an authentic experience. Thanks to the rise of online booking platforms, destinations like Piran are stepping into the spotlight, offering travelers a chance to explore off-the-beaten-path locales and, in turn, helping to alleviate the pressures of overtourism on popular sites.

    Overtourism, the phenomenon where destinations receive more visitors than they can sustainably handle, has become a significant issue in recent years. Iconic landmarks such as the Taj Mahal have had to impose visitor limits to preserve their integrity and protect the surrounding environment. Popular cities like Barcelona and Amsterdam grapple with the influx of tourists that strain local infrastructure and disrupt residents’ daily lives. The impact is not just environmental but also social and economic, often leading to the degradation of cultural heritage and rising living costs for locals.

    Overtourism is a complex problem requiring a range of different solutions. As we confront this issue, travel tech companies have a responsibility to bring their expertise to the table. By highlighting lesser-known destinations, these platforms encourage travelers to venture beyond the usual tourist traps. The ability to discover hidden gems is not only fun for tourists but also a relief for overcrowded hotspots.

    Booking.com, for instance, has been proactive in promoting lesser-known destinations through its “Alternative Destinations” feature. This initiative nudges travelers towards places like Piran instead of Venice or Kotor instead of Dubrovnik. By offering enticing deals and emphasizing the unique attractions of these locations, Booking.com helps distribute tourist traffic more evenly, benefiting both travelers and destinations.

    The benefits of initiatives such as these are manifold. For travelers, exploring off-the beaten- path destinations often means fewer crowds, lower costs, and a more authentic experience. For the destinations, it means a chance to develop their tourism sector sustainably, avoiding the pitfalls experienced by their more famous counterparts. Sustainable tourism practices are more feasible when visitor numbers are manageable, allowing for better preservation of natural and cultural resources.

    Mabrian Technologies, a travel intelligence platform, has been analyzing trends in sustainable travel management. Their findings indicate a growing interest in secondary and tertiary destinations, spurred by the capabilities of online booking platforms to showcase these places effectively. This trend is crucial in creating a more balanced global tourism landscape, where the economic benefits of tourism are shared more equitably, and the environmental and social impacts are minimized.

    Moreover, this shift aligns well with the increasing traveler preference for sustainable and responsible tourism. A study by Skyscanner highlights that more travelers are now aware of the impact of overtourism and are actively seeking ways to minimize their footprint. Online platforms, by providing the tools and information needed to make more sustainable travel choices, empower these conscious travelers to act on their intentions.

    However, the success of this approach hinges on the continuous collaboration between online booking platforms, local governments, and tourism boards. Effective marketing campaigns, infrastructure development, and community engagement are vital to ensure that lesser-known destinations are prepared to welcome visitors sustainably. Local communities need to be involved in the tourism planning process to ensure that their needs and concerns are addressed, and the benefits of tourism are felt broadly.

    While this summer’s headlines are focusing on crowded streets and disgruntled locals, there is reason to be hopeful for the future. By leveraging the power of technology and the growing desire for sustainable tourism, we can create a more balanced and enriching travel experience for everyone involved. Online booking platforms are at the forefront of this movement, guiding travelers to new adventures and helping to preserve the world’s most cherished destinations for generations to come.